_ESC (2022)
When a young female hacker gets caught after committing the biggest identity fraud ever, she has to hack and track the remaining members of the team who betrayed her in order to get her revenge on the organization responsible for the death of her father.
A Screenlife Action Thriller / PG13 / 90 minutes
_ESC is an action-packed, suspenseful heist thriller, with an emotional vigilante streak at its heart. A story about redemption told through a laptop screen of a hacker.
July Janssen - Iris/Sweetspot
Francis Cox - Will
Duncan Meijering - Doughboy
Bobby Makariev - Jester
Jeremy Nanhu - Dead-Eye
Lolu Ajayi - Brackenback
Director - Martijn Winkler
Story by - Martijn Winkler
Screenplay - Paul de Vrijer & Martijn Winkler
Producer - Mandy Lim
Cinematography - Karim Kadri, Michiel Bernabela
Edit - Martijn Winkler
Sound Design - René Overhorst
Animations - Manuel van der Graaf
Music - James Banbury & Pete Davis