In a nerve-racking - scientifically based - climate change thriller, we follow various characters in a residential neighborhood of a city plagued by an all-consuming heat wave. Faster than they deemed possible, they are fighting for their lives against the brutal heat, while at the same time rediscovering the value of humanity in times of hopelessness.

6 days, 6 characters, 6 double episodes


"The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying; the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving."


"Research results indicate that record temperatures in Europe could easily exceed 50°C by mid 21st century."


Creator’s statement

As the COVID-19 pandemic takes over all our timelines and attention, I am worried about that other pandemic. The one resulting from climate change.

The warming of our planet, the erosion of nature, the annihilation of animal species... We are at a decisive moment in time: what we do NOW (or choose not to do), will decide the fate of the youngest generations that are now already alive on this planet. We must act, collectively, structurally. Our lives depend on it.

Many scientists no longer talk about 'solutions' or 'fixing the climate issue'. It is already too late. There is only survival. ('The climate apocalypse is coming. To prepare for it, we need to admit that we can't prevent it. - The New Yorker, Jonathan Franzen)

It is a bitter realization. How has mankind ever allowed it to come to this?

— Martijn Winkler (writer/director)

Together with a very committed cast and crew, and supported by cultural campaign Warming Up, this series is an attempt to clarify what impact climate change can have on us in the short term, here in the Netherlands. No collapsing ice bergs or stray polar bears, but rising temperatures during a heat wave, power outages, water no longer coming out of the tap, coagulating proteins in the human body...
climate change is closer than you might think.

At the same time, HEAT is a loving, exciting and compelling drama series, and tries to reach further than just hopeless horror. The joy of freedom of the adolescent summer, as it begins in the first episode, rapidly transforms into essential questions about love and connection.


Luca Hollestelle - Anouk
Anouar Ennali - Sam
Tara Hetharia - Khadija
Carine Crutzen - Jeannette
Jonathan Huisman - Wes
Teunie de Brouwer - Lysette
Racquel van Gom - Mirella
Alex van Bergen - Dario
Yldau de Boer - Dolores
Jasper van Beusekom - Plunderaar

Writer/director - Martijn Winkler
Story by - Martijn Winkler & Paul de Vrijer
Producer - Mandy Lim
Executive producers - Gervaise Coebergh, Martijn Winkler
Cinematography - Diderik Evers
Production Design - Thomas Wiegerink
Editor - Nils Rensen
Sound Design - René Overhorst
Music Composers - James Banbury & Pete Davis
VFX - Jitte Hoekstra